These days,
our lives are filled with fake, especially in terms of personal
presentation. People die their hair,
bleach their teeth, inject their lips, spray their tans, etc. And, sometimes, it’s okay to fake it.
However, sometimes it’s best to stick with the real thing. I’m talking about knock-off handbags and other counterfeit designer items. Of course I understand the appeal of buying the new celebrity “it” bag for one zillionth of the actual price. But see the list below of reasons why you should steer clear of Canal Street and other fake fashion sellers.
However, sometimes it’s best to stick with the real thing. I’m talking about knock-off handbags and other counterfeit designer items. Of course I understand the appeal of buying the new celebrity “it” bag for one zillionth of the actual price. But see the list below of reasons why you should steer clear of Canal Street and other fake fashion sellers.
Reason #1
illegal! Doh.
Reason #2
If you are a
true lover of fashion, your interests will lie with top quality products coming
straight from the real designers.
Counterfeit bags are usually poorly made and are also usually pretty
recognizably fake to others. All too often I see cheap-looking bags with
interlocking G’s – the way fake bag makers combine Coach with Gucci. Ugh, not cute.
Reason #3
The fashion
industry is about creativity and originality.
Counterfeiters mess with this process by replicating goods that have
been created by someone else. Think about
it – not cool! This is a
huge problem with global high fashion brands like Louis Vuitton and Burberry,
of course, but think about how it affects young designers who don’t have the
resources of a billion dollar brand to fight for their designs.
Reason #4
Are you really saving money? First of all, counterfeits are usually very cheaply made. This brings us back to the question of price and value; if something breaks after a few uses, is it even worth the cheap price you paid? Also consider that the government loses millions of dollars of tax revenue to under-the-table counterfeit goods.
We certainly can’t stop the government from collecting taxes, so we
surely make this up in other ways. Finally, the
government spends quite a bit of money going after counterfeiters...wouldn't it be nice to put this towards, I don't know, education or health care instead?
Reason #5
A much lesser known but more shocking reason not to buy
counterfeit, is that one illegal activity is usually linked to other illegal
activities. The fake fashion goods
industry is no exception, with scams having found to be linked to child labor, drug cartels, prostitution, and other criminal activities.
Reason #6
Buying knock-offs undermines the
economies of countries developing the goods, like France, Italy and the U.S. Last time I checked, times were tough, and these countries - the U.S. very much included - are not really in a position to loose out on GDP and forgo tax revenue. (National debt, anyone?)
I'm hoping that these six reasons are enough to convince you that buying fake just won't do! Don't worry, though, there are lots of great affordable and real options out there!
I'm hoping that these six reasons are enough to convince you that buying fake just won't do! Don't worry, though, there are lots of great affordable and real options out there!
What Are Your
If you want a new bag, but can’t afford Fendi and Prada,
get a real bag in a lower price category!
There are so many handbag brands that make options in the $350 - $500
range. Some of my favorites are Marc byMarc Jacobs, Rebecca Minkoff and Cole Haan.
If you’re dying for the crème de la crème, save up! Take a look at your budget, and see how much
you could put away on a monthly basis (click here for more info). If
you could squeeze in $50 per month, you’ll have $600 in one year. Instead of buying new, visit online discount
retailers like or check out vintage resellers on One of my best finds ever was this vintage
red leather Fendi clutch for $125! Let
me know if you can find a Fendi clutch these days for less than about $1,000.
The steals are out there, and you don't need to go fake to get an amazing handbag (or dress, or belt, etc.). A few more ideas to look before you go: overstock retailers like Marshall's, T.J. Maxx and Filene's Basement and of course my go-to, consignment stores! Shop away!
The steals are out there, and you don't need to go fake to get an amazing handbag (or dress, or belt, etc.). A few more ideas to look before you go: overstock retailers like Marshall's, T.J. Maxx and Filene's Basement and of course my go-to, consignment stores! Shop away!
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